Biography Story Lab: Foreign


As I stare at the screen
and wait for your call
my heart fills with pain
as it starts to recall
the million goodbyes
and thousands of tears
that I have collected
throughout many years.

I remember the first
and toughest of all
when you hugged me so hard
and refused to let go
you sent me away
to go all alone
and sadly since then
I have been on my own.

And I know it is best,
that change must be good,
but I long to go back
I wish that I could
the land that I left
is all lost and gone
only you remain
and I must move on.

But oh how I miss you
and oh how it hurts
that I pray to the world
for time to reverse
to go back before this
before I knew this pain
to when we were together
before I got on that plane.

Drawing by Andrea Méndez

Author's Note: I decided to write a short poem about how hard it is to leave my home country and live so far away from my family. As of now, it has been about four years since I left in Venezuela, and since then I have moved two times, once to Italy and once here. I have been living out of a suitcase, only seeing my family once a year or more, talking to them only on the phone. This poem is my way of expressing my pain of being so far away from my home, but also of longing a home that does not exist anymore, as things keep on getting worse in Venezuela and there is barely anything left for me to call home anymore. There is so much more I could say about this, about leaving my country and my family and having to adapt to other cultures and societies, but I decided to focus on one thing, my family and how much I miss them. 


  1. Right when I started reading your poem, I knew exactly what you were talking about! Im sure you are missing home and your family! Hopefully you will be reunited with them in the future! The poem was amazing and the details really laid out an image of what you're going through! Keep writing because I really would like to read more of your post!

  2. Hi Anto!

    This poem hit very close to home. I moved from my hometown of Fairfax, Virginia to Turin, Italy in the 7th grade. Instantly, the thoughts of homesickness set in and its hard to get acclimated. Even once you get used to living in the new place, there is always a part of you that wants to see the people and places from back home. However, its good that you realize that the move was necessary and will be for the best. Hope to read more of your posts this semester!

  3. Anto,

    This poem was beautiful and heartbreaking, and I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I can't imagine what that's like, and while I'm glad that you're able to receive your education, I hope that you are reunited with your family soon. The country you return to may be different, but you will be a different person as well, who has grown in so many amazing ways. One day, the pain and longing will be gone, and you'll find the home that you've been missing. I wish you luck on the rest of your journey. Be strong!

  4. Anto,

    This was really an incredibly beautiful poem. Beautifully written and beautifully presented. I cannot possibly know how it must feel to leave your home and family as you did. But I do feel like this poem conveys enough for even people who haven't been through the same experience to grasp some small understanding of how you must feel. And that is a testament to how powerful and well written this is. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Hi Anto,

    Throughout this class I have kept up with your blog and your storybook. You have done a great job with both of them and your stories never disappoint. I really enjoyed reading this short poem that you wrote because it hits close to home. I to moved from my country when I was five and my parents decided to move to the US. I miss my extended family dear and wish I was able to see them more often.


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