Reading Notes: Nigerian Folktales Part B

The Lighting and the Thunder

Story source: Folk Stories From Southern Nigeria by Elphinstone Dayrell (1910).

Lighting Wikimedia Commons
In the olden days, the lighting and the thunder lived among the people, but the king made them live far away from everyone. The thunder was an old mother sheep and the lighting was her son, a ram that often burned house and knocked down trees, even killed people. Whenever the lighting did any damage, the thunder would call for him very loudly, but alas her did not care. The people then complained to the king, who ordered the thunder and lighting to live out of town in a bush. This did not last long, for the ram burned down the forest, and the flames would sometimes spread to the farms. The people complained once again, so the kind vanished them from the earth, thus now when the lighting becomes angry he does damage from the sky, and soon his mother's loud voice can be heard. 


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